Working as a team within the Student Support Health and Wellbeing Department, we provide the best possible support for a variety of different and sometimes complex issues. On occasions we may discuss ways of supporting you with other colleagues in the team who have specialist knowledge or expertise. If you have concerns about shared confidentiality then you are welcome to contact us through our email address to arrange to discuss it further. We take data protection seriously. Our records are maintained on a secure data base that is only accessible by Student Support, Health and Wellbeing staff. Please note you can withdraw your agreement at any time. However that may restrict the support we are able to offer. You can withdraw consent by emailing us or talking to a member of the team.You can find more information on how the University protects your details. We may discuss ways of supporting you with other colleagues in the team and share reasonable adjustments with your department. We may also share information with your funding body and the suppliers of your DSA support as necessary.
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